Colin McRae: Dirt 2 Free Download For PC
Colin McRae: Dirt2 review
Zdes’ est’ ne tol’ko klassicheskie ralli, a i gonki po bezdorozh’iu. Na karte vy mozhete uvidet’ raznye goroda i strany, v kotorykh prokhodiat sorevnovaniia. Zaezdy otkryvaiutsia v zavisimosti ot urovnia. V etoi igre avtopark bol’she chem v pervoi chasti, on sostoit iz 44 obychnykh mashin i 10 bonusnykh, chtoby ikh poluchit’, nuzhno vypolnit’ opredelennye zadaniia.
Automobili Rassortirovany Na 7 Kategorii i3 Klasa: Vehicle Pro, All-Stars. Ezdit’ zdes’ nuzhno akkuratno, tak kak avtomobil’ nesiot vesomye povrezhdeniia ot kazhdogo udara. Vo viremia zaezda est’ Flashback, blagodaria kotoromu mozhno vernut’sia nazad.
V Dirt 2 vy mozhete posorevnovat’sia s izvestnymi gonshchikami: Tannerom Faustom, Trevisom Pasterana, Deivom Mirra, Kenom Blokom i drugimi. Prisutstvuet setevaia igra. Vy mozhete prinimat’ zaprosy ot drugikh igrokov i vyzyvat’ ikh na sorevnovaniia. Takzhe dostupno 46
How to install Colin McRae: Dirt 2 game
- Unzip the “Dirt 2.7z” archive anywhere. No installation entries are entered into the registry. They are deleting a game by deleting the folder with the unpacked game.
- Install all the software from the folder – “redist.”
- Securom protection removed by developers, no crack needed. The launch of the game is “dirt2.heh.”
Colin McRae: Dirt 2 Free Download For PC