DRAGON SPEAR Free Download For PC
To use the dragon spear, you must have a level 60 Attack. You don’t need to complete a quest to equip the dragon spear.
Dragon Spear Install-Game:
The rare spear can only be found on the rare gem drop table. The spear can only be dropped from the gem drop table if the Legends’ Quest has been completed. Otherwise, a talisman is given its place. The rare drop table doesn’t require that the quest be completed to get it as a drop. Getting one from either table will be increased if you wear a ring with wealth.
Dragon Spear Free Download
Gorak, who fight in the Gorak Plane wearing a ring with wealth, are more likely than any other monster to drop the dragon sword, with a drop rate of 1 in 480. The drop rate for dragon spears from Brutal Black Dragons is 1 in 512. However, they also have access to the rare drop table so that they drop it slightly more often than others overall. This item cannot be made by players using the Smithing skill, as with all dragon equipment. You can poison dragon spears with weapon poison or karambwan powder. You can remove the poison by wiping it off with a clean cloth.
It cannot also be used against giants or other large monsters because they are too large to resist. The special attack will not be activated if the player attempts this. The chatbox displays a message saying, “That creature is not large enough to knock back!” This is a general way to determine if the spear can use the “Shove” special attack. It cannot be shoved if it occupies more than one space. A player may shove an ice warrior that takes up one space but not an ice giant who takes up four.
Windows XP, 7, 10
2.0 Ghz CPU or higher
4 GB
4.00 GB
Nvidia GTX 650 Optional
DRAGON SPEAR Free Download For PC