Destiny 2 Text Chat is Disabled after Users Report Weasel Exploit
Bungie has temporarily disabled the Destiny2 chat function on all platforms while it investigates a problem that could be causing Weasel-related crashes. Early reports indicate that a string of malicious text in-game caused player crashes.
Bungie claims it is aware that some players are being kicked due to an exploit and is currently investigating the matter. According to the user report, the crash is caused by a text string sent via in-game destiny 2 whispers. Players are then prompted to disconnect and receive a Weasel error message saying, “Couldn’t connect to Destiny2 servers.” Recheck your network configuration, and then try again.
The crash was shown in a video posted by @Ritzzcar on Twitter. Although Bungie didn’t address the incident in the video, the first tweet stated that it was “investigating a problem with Destiny2 text.” followed up to inform that Destiny2 text chat has been disabled on all platforms.
The text string’s first two videos do not share the whole message. Issues seem to be limited to disconnects. Knitehawk, a Destiny2 streamer, was hit with malicious text on Twitch during PVP matches. Knitehawk spoke to Fanbyte and explained that they were kicked from their Trials of Osiris stream match. Knitehawk claims they were sent the message and then kicked. However, they were able to reconnect quickly.
Knitehawk said, “Fortunately, I could connect to that match.” “But it could have caused me too many times to be kicked out of matches and resulted in a temporary suspension from matchmaking.”
The malicious text was also seen on several Destiny 2 streamers. Other players, such as GernaderJake and LadyJackKnife, reported instances. The relief is somewhat limited to crashes. But, the threat of suspension for a temporary period — such as the ones mentioned by Knitehawk — is a problem for content creators and community members.