Apex Legends PSA – Stop Leaving when You’re Downed In Shadow Royale
Shadow Royale, the Apex Legends Halloween event, has been officially launched. Is it time to get spooky? That’s what I think it is, except that people continue to leave the match when they are downed.
This mentality of going to your team the second you are knocked out is typical in Apex Legends. But, I beg you to stay put when you die in Shadow Royale. Being a “zombie” is the best part of the event.
Shadow Royale, a limited-time mode in which three teams compete to be the last remaining squad alive, is not for the faint of heart. If someone in your group dies, you will be respawned as the shadow version of yourself. A team is eliminated if it has no other non-shadow players.
Shadows are unique because they can’t heal, use weapons or pick up objects on the ground. Shadows cannot use enhanced melee attacks or double jump to revive fallen allies and can’t wallrun. You can now live your Titanfall three dreams in Apex Legends and run at high speeds along the walls.
Because of their buff melee damage, shadows can be dangerous. They have high mobility and are very resilient. Shades can be handy in distracting other players and killing or harassing their enemies. Players who are knocked down should not give up.
You don’t get the chance to shoot anyone, but you can still smack your opponents around and even win. Because it’s so easy to kill in this mode, most cases will not see an entire squad. It’s easy to deal damage, avoid gunfire and kill enemies if you can master the shadow’s movements. It’s also fun to do double jumps, and chain wall runs when exploring the scary version of Olympus.
Apex Legends’ Shadow Royale will be available through October 11th and will resume at the end on October 25th.