World Of Warcraft: DragonFlight Season Two Start and End Dates; Includes New Raid, Mythic+ Dungeon Pools & more
World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight Season 2 marks an exciting content update, offering both PvP and PvE enthusiasts alike new content to experience in World of Warcraft MMORPG. If you have been playing since launch or still considering taking up this expansion, its start and end dates should likely be on your agenda.
As part of WOW: Dragonflight Season 2, an all-new raid and revamped Mythic+ Dungeons will open their gates alongside an all-new PvP Season.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 2 Will Begin Soon
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Season 2 wasn’t given an exact start and end date when announced; however, Blizzard stated it should begin between summer 2023 and spring 2024.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 2 will begin on May 9 (North American time zone)/10 in Europe (European Timezone). GameWatcher estimates an end date sometime during fall 2023 (again an estimate).
WoW: Dragonflight’s Season 2 launch date has been locked into place for May 9-10; most likely May 9 for North American audiences and May 10 in Europe. Patch 10.1 will accompany it.
Dragonflight Season 2’s ending date is currently anticipated to occur between fall 2023-2024.
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 2 Content is now live!
WoW: Dragonflight’s Season 2 marks its second raid, located within Zaralek Cavern – an underground zone located nearby.
Aberrus offers players an experience like no other: Neltharion created Dracthyr and became corrupted by Old Gods during this laboratory session, taking them through it until finally becoming one.
On May 9, Normal, Heroic and Mythic difficulties will go live for players to take on nine bosses from these difficulties:
Kazzara, the Hellforged: Amalgamation Chamber; Forgotten Experiments Assault of Zaqali Rashok Elder Vigilant Steward Zskarn Magmora Echo Neltharion ScaleCommander Sarkareth New Tier Sets will also be introduced for all playable classes within this MMORPG.
Season 2 will mark a fresh beginning for Mythic+ and PvP seasons alike, featuring both recent and classic expansion dungeons in an expanded featured rotation system that’s been recently unveiled.
Neltharus Freehold (Battle for Azeroth), Underrot and Vortex Pinnacle (Cataclysm). There was also Neltharion’s Lair in Neltharion Legion territory (a place which became free after Neltharion died, known by their old names – Brackenhide Hollow and Halls of Infusion in Brackenhide Hollow respectively.)
New seasonal affixes are currently under consideration and should make their way onto the PTR, barring any major shifts.
As with its predecessors, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Season 2 offers players an opportunity to collect exclusive rewards between its start and end dates.
Raiders will likely strive for Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements; Mythic+ players should aim for Keystone Master; while PvP enthusiasts can pit themselves against one another to attain new shiny goodies – here is a breakdown for these activities:
Title of this character for Rated 3-v-3 Battle and Rated Solo Shuffle; Mount for 3v3, Legend for Solo Shuffle is: Obsidian Gladiator’s Drake for Dragonriding Appearance Winding Slitherdrake of Embodiment of Obsidian Gladiator whilst Embodiment stands in for Slitherdrake from Slitherdrake: Embodiment of Obsidian Gladiator as Embodyment by Winding Slitherdrake Slitherdrake stands in for an embodiment of Obsidian Gladiator at Winding Slitherdrake Slitherdrake Embodimenting the Obsidian Gladiator whilst new Vicious Mounts featuring Alliance-themed Snails with their Shadow Flame Weapon Illusion Slainiden Gladiators will take center-stage with them being created by Shadow Flame Weapon Illusion Illusion for both Alliance-Horde combatants by both Alliance-Horde alike!
New Pennant for Obsidian Legend
New Elite Weapon Appearances – Obsidian Gladiator’s
Blizzard recently unveiled on the PTR an array of changes, one being that it plans on retiring the Explosive Affix from Mythic+ Dungeons in favour of Volcanic.
Periodic Affixes like Afflicted or Incorporeal will now be implemented at Keystone Level 7, while those that trigger on death/health ranges (Spiteful, Sanguine etc) have been moved up – effectively altering them accordingly.
Blizzard recently provided additional details that should help us prepare.
As Season 2 kicks off, Mythic+ Keystones will drop nine levels on top of any normal weekly reduction. When Catalyst opens during week 13 on June 13, all players receive one free charge per character they own.
“These will work just like they always have; if your Main spends money to convert items early in a season, this won’t affect any alt characters you might create in future”, states the developer.
“Unlike Shadowlands Season 3, Shadowlands Season 4 does not incur additional costs beyond your charge fee. There will no longer be Cosmic Flux, Dragon Isle Supplies or Apexis Crystals required if you successfully procured convertible items.”
As far as the Great Vault goes, killing raid bosses now grants you an opportunity to collect loot from all past bosses as you progress toward vault progress each week. “For instance, killing Sarkareth counts towards vault progress while adding loot from all previous bosses into your vault pool for use during raid slots – something which will come into effect with Aberrus raid in Season 2.” This change will become effective during its inaugural week.”