ACTION SANDBOX iOS/APK Full Version Free Download
The players who play ACTION SANDBOX will build various mechanical items and sets that are two-dimensional. It is an actual sandbox where players can play the simulation of various kinds of different machines. Participants will use the components using a specific editor to create robots, vehicles floating platforms, and so on. Make your own combat vehicles, and then you will be able to test the new mechanism under the most extreme conditions of battle.
The gameplay mechanics of the game engine SANDBOX can also be used to build soldiers and fully customizable in the design of the characters. Each soldier can have weapons and coordinated actions, such as walking or shooting, flying, fighting in close combat, moving, revitalizing and dancing among others. The robots can be operated by humans who serve as pilots of transport.
It is feasible to change existing presets and create new items from scratch using micro-components. Every part and device can be put into the best spot for fixing and can be selected the color, size as well as the fundamental characteristics. Once the vehicle is constructed or vehicle, players are able to check the capability of combat and operation within “competition with the AI” mode. They can give directions during the scene or fight. fight.
ACTION SANDBOX iOS/APK Full Version Free Download