Pizza Tower Android & iOS Mobile Version Free Download
Pizza Tower – an addictive and dynamic game that was developed within the genre of action-platformers, with visual stylings derived from cartoons of the 90s are striking and unforgettable. You’re the experienced owner of a restaurant situated in the vastness of Italy that is in danger from a large bird population that has become an enormous tower. You now have to confront numerous difficulties and face many hurdles trying to demolish the building fast and, in turn, save your business.
The tower is comprised of several levels on each there are traps and dangers complex puzzles, as well as opponents will be waiting to greet your arrival, and will attempt to hinder the achievement of your dream. It’s fast-paced and engaging, and you’ll surely not become bored. Its graphics are as fresh as they can be and allow players to be a part of the experience. .
Pizza Tower Android & iOS Mobile Version Free Download