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Starbound Free Full PC Game For Download
Starbound is a two-dimensional indie RPG with a side-scrolling interface inspired by classic 8-bit programs that were released in the past century. It has gained popularity because of being able to play together with your friends with a cooperative game on different platforms. It also has an established system of accomplishments and rewards that encourage players to develop their abilities and gather all sorts of crafting materials and accumulating.
Our world can be seen as a wide-open space, in which there is absolutely no limit to establishing colonies on unexplored planets, and performing additional duties, which means you don’t need to engage in the campaign in any way.
7 races exist in the vastness of space
- Apexes are animals that resemble monkeys. They have the most advanced technology available to them.
- Avians are bird species that had their wings taken away long back. This weapon was a result of an ancient, powerful civilization.
- Florent, plants do not think twice about eating their fellows. Acquired the technological advances of all races by reverse engineering.
- Hylotl is a fish that has unique capabilities in diplomatic communication.
- The people we meet do not differ from real humans. One power was created on Earth that has removed the need to divide into nations.
- Glitches are robotics that remain throughout their Middle Ages in terms of the advancement of technology. They have an incredible capacity for construction.
- Novakids are solar-powered children’s energy. They have a quick memory. They do not wish to keep a record of any mentions of themselves. This is why there’s only a tiny amount of detail.
System Requirements
- OS: XP, Vista, Seven
- Processor: Core 2 Duo
- Graphics: 256 Mb graphics memory and DirectX 9.0c compatible GPU
- Memory: 2 Gb
- Storage: 3 Gb
Starbound Free Full PC Game For Download