Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne Android & iOS Mobile Version Free Download
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne – is an extension to the initial Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos. The story campaigns depict the change of Arthas to become the Lich King as well as the journey of Illidan and the struggles of blood elves tensions among the Horde as well as the Alliance along with many other tales. The story of the game is set a year following the initial game, and 3 years before the beginning of the epic World of Warcraft. A lot of the mysteries of the game’s beginning are resolved in this chapter, as exist several branches that provide the foundation for future conflicts.
A variety of story-driven campaigns are brought to attract the attention of participants. The first story focuses on the hunt of night creatures which are led by Mev Shadowsong, who is pursuing the sinister criminal Illidan. This Alliance story follows exploits of the Prince Kael’Thas who is head of the blood elves that were able to survive the attacks of Quel’Thalas as well as the Scourge. The third campaign will depict that there is a civil war within the Scourge’s ranks divided into two factions – those that are loyal towards the Lich King that is led by Kel’Thuzad and Arthas the Lich King, led by Kel’Thuzad and Arthas Sylvanas Windrunner, and its rebels.
Alongside the primary campaigns, a bonus one can also be found – The Foundation of Durotar, in which the beast tamer Rexxar aids the orcs to defend their homes from a variety of enemies and also develop it. This campaign is more like an RPG rather than a strategy serving as an intermediate between the first gameplay of the series as well as the coming World of Warcraft.
In comparison to the first game, the new version has numerous changes and improvements. In addition, new buildings, units as well as upgrades, heroes, and even upgrades are added to each race. The new races are Nag as well as Draenei. The appearance of several siege engines was extensively revamped. Balanced the costs of a variety of constructions and units. Naval units were returned that were not present in the game. Included inventory mechanics, the capability to draw in neutral heroes, and substantially enhanced the features of the in-built game editor.
The game’s features:
- The game has been redesigned to modernize the classic experience featuring a variety of major cosmetic adjustments.
- Three main campaigns as well as a bonus one, tell the tales of various factions, as well as lead to epic developments taking place within World of Warcraft.
- Naval battles returned which were during the earlier section in the game (Warcraft 2.).
- Numerous different scenarios and maps and the possibility of creating your own using the in-built game editor.
Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne Android & iOS Mobile Version Free Download