911 Operator IOS & APK Download 2024
Emergency dispatcher simulator 911 Operator This is the principal objective of the game. By launching the game the responsibility lies with you to promptly respond to any incoming calls and messages. You must report immediately to the emergency response service or fill out an application and report the actions he has taken. There are occasions when the voice of the person speaking has to be questioned. often a complete team of police is sent however the individual may later decline to help as he believes he’s insane. On the other side of the spectrum could include insane terrorists and pranksters, or individuals who require to be watched. Do you have the ability to manage such tasks with ease? You can choose every city where different scenarios are constantly occurring in the absence of your presence. It is realistic in San Francisco, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and others. Furthermore, it has the storyline of a campaign that takes players from the very first killing up to the most recent claim of a scammer.
There are firefighters, police, and medical personnel. To ensure that you correctly and efficiently arrange their departure You will need to specify the kind of transportation, the number of passengers, and the kind of crime – murder attack, robbery, stroke or heart attack gas pipe explosion, as well as others. It is also important to select the tools using which the team is going to take off. If you have to protect an elderly person from suffering a heart attack you will need a medical vehicle with a driver, a physician, and two nurses. If you are a victim of a robbery at an establishment selling guns, you’ll need an aircraft, an armor-clad vehicle, or body armor as well as 12 special forces.
The fate of someone depends on you. 911 Operators include:
More than 50 conversations with actual people were recorded by managers of this program;
* First aid instructions;
Reporting on the actual event that occurred.
911 Operator IOS & APK Download 2024