At The Game Awards 2024, Koei Tecmo and Dotemu revealed Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound, a brand-new installment in the beloved franchise. This entry marks a return to the series’ sidescrolling roots, blending classic 8-bit gameplay with the intensity of modern 3D mechanics in an entirely fresh package.
Ragebound, developed by The Game Kitchen (known for Blasphemous), introduces Kenji Mozu, a ninja from Ryu Hayabusa’s village. The game follows Kenji’s battle against a demon army while Ryu is away. The debut trailer highlights fast-paced combat, massive boss battles, and stunning pixel art inspired by the Blasphemous visual style.
Fans of the original Ninja Gaiden games will find familiar side-scrolling action combined with updated mechanics designed for modern audiences. This announcement brings hope to fans who have been waiting for a new entry since 2014’s Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. While the 2021 Ninja Gaiden Master Collection offered a nostalgic trip, many players craved a new adventure.
Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound signals a bold collaboration between studios to revitalize the series for old and new fans alike.