Assassin’s Creed II looks terrific.
Fans have been receiving a lot of Assassin’s Creed news lately. Several new titles were announced recently, including an Assassin’s Creed game set in feudal Japan. It’s still in development by Ubisoft and is currently called codename Red (for now).
Fans are dreaming more prominent than ever about the series concepts they want to see come to life. TeaserPlay created a stunning trailer on YouTube that shows what an Assassin’s Creed game set during WWII France would look like. It is breathtaking.
To make the trailer pop, the creator used Unreal Engine 5. He also used ray tracing and Lumen. It’s a concept trailer, but they did a great job. Take a look at the video below.
TeaserPlay stated in the video description that “occupied Paris during World War II is one of the environments fans have long longed for.” “In this video we tried to give a general view of this dream. We hope Ubisoft will realize this potential and we’ll see an official Assassin’s Creed during World War II.”
The project has been loved by many people who left comments. C’est Martin said, “I really hope they make a WW2 AC-game down the road.” HRG HRGamer wrote, “Really beautiful.”
Ubisoft has confirmed that a group of For Honor veterans is currently working on a multiplayer version of Assassin’s Creed. The title will be Codename Invictus. The title is not yet known, but it will appear to be a standalone game and can be played through Infinity, which will apparently serve as a gateway for other Assassin’s Creed experiences.