A new Terminator game, titled Terminator 2D: No Fate, has surfaced online following a leak from the Australian Classification Board. The game, developed and published by Reef Entertainment, is set to be a 2D title, marking a departure from the open-world format seen in Terminator: Resistance.
According to the age rating, No Fate will feature moderate violence, coarse language, and unspecified themes, earning it a Mature (M) rating. The game is expected to launch on a variety of platforms, including PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
While no official release date has been confirmed, the emergence of this rating suggests that Terminator 2D: No Fate could be released as early as 2025. This timeline aligns with the expected launch window for another upcoming Terminator title, Terminator: Survivors, which has been delayed to 2025.
Fans of the franchise can look forward to another addition to the growing list of Terminator video games.